Student Attendance Information

Student attendance is extremely important to each student's academic success and to maintain enrollment at Richarte High School. Texas Mandatory Attendance policy states that a child who has not yet reached their 19th birthday shall attend school unless exempted by law. Failure to attend at least 90% of the days in the semester could result in the loss of credits earned during that time period.
If a student is going to be absent for any reason, a parent / guardian MUST contact the school, either by phone call or email to:, with the following information:
- Caller's name
- Caller's contact number
- Student's name
- Reason for absence
Please be aware of the following policies regarding absences:
- Illness - Must be verified by parent phone call or note
- Medical - Must bring a note from the doctor's office
- Doctor's Appointment - Must bring a note from the doctor's office
- Excused - Must bring note from parent / guardian stating reason for absence NOTE: oversleeping or missing a rides is not a valid excuse
- Court - Must bring a note from the court clerk
- Religious Observance - Written request must be submitted to the Principal prior to the observation of a religious holiday. Religious holiday and up to two travel days will be excused. If more travel time is required, it may be excused at the discretion of the Principal.
- Unexcused - Occurs when a student misses classes but does not have a valid reason with or without a note from a parent / guardian.
- Truant - An illegal absence from school. A student is considered truant when he or she leaves school without permission or is out of their assigned area without permission. RHS is a closed campus - students may not leave school property for lunch.
Contact Information:
- Jayme Jasso, RHS Registrar / PEIMS Clerk/ Attendace Clerk
- Phone: 512-943-5120, ext. 7221
- Email: