Principal: Bretton Schulz
Bretton is serving in his first year as Principal at Richarte High School. This is his 15th year in education, and 8th year in Georgetown ISD. After growing up in Round Rock, he moved to Lubbock to attend Texas Tech University. Bretton's wife, Haley, is a Teacher at San Gabriel Elementary, where his 2 children, Samson and Scout, also attend.
Assistant Principal: Deedra Barr
Mrs. Barr is the Assistant Princpial at Richarte High School, and she has been a school admimistator and teacher in Georgetwon ISD since 2017. Prior to being the Assistant Principal at Richarte High School, Mrs. Barr taught various subjects areas in Science, including Forensics. She is from the Dallas area and previously taught at Pierce High School in Richardson. She and her family currently live in Georgetown.